【July 7th, 2017】 A Group of students from La Trobe University visited our program

The Phoenix Leader Education Program had an exchange meeting with 22 students and 2 faculty members from the Hallmark Program of La Trobe University. There were 25 participants from Hiroshima University, including 6 program students and 9 faculty members.

La Trobe University, established in 1967, is a public university in Melbourne, State of Victoria, Australia. It offers five departments with a current enrollment of 28,000 students. La Trobe is a partner university of Hiroshima University.

The exchange meeting started with greetings offered by Prof. Okuda (Graduate School of Integrated Arts and Sciences) on behalf of Hiroshima University’s Phoenix Leader Education Program and Prof. Craig Horton on behalf of La Trobe University’s Hallmark Program. After these initial greetings there was a presentation about the structure and content of the Phoenix Program followed by three highlight presentations given by program students on their own research. As a wrap up, students from the two universities were divided into mixed groups and given time to interact with each other and discuss a variety of topics.

Although the exchange meeting was only an hour and a half, it was a productive and informative session, capped off with an excellent opportunity for students of both schools to interact with each other.


Exchange Meeting


Greeting from Prof. Craig Horton


Students Interaction


Group Photo